Mar. Lug 16th, 2024

Il Design che migliora la Vita. Ecco la filosofia che sostiene una grande multinazionale, la più grande per ricerca e qualità del prodotto nel settore delle sedute ergonomiche per il lavoro. Questa è una grande industria fatta di persone, per le persone, per vivere meglio!


What We Believe

About Inclusiveness


“We value the whole person and everything that each of us has to offer, obvious and not so obvious. I believe that every person should have the chance to realize his or her potential, regardless of color, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, educational background, family status, skill level–the list goes on and on. When we are truly inclusive, I believe we go beyond toleration to really understanding what makes us unique and what unites us as human beings.”

Brian C. Walker

President and Chief Executive Officer, Herman Miller, Inc.

At Herman Miller, inclusiveness is not an option. It’s an imperative.

The Talents of many.

The uniqueness of each.

Be exceptional. Be yourself

Each of us. Poet or technician. Designer or engineer. Young or old. Each person brings gifts, and when we encourage the free expression of the gifts of many different people, our company is more creative and vital.


