Mar. Lug 16th, 2024

Giuseppe Violetta

Heillandi places a new bet in the art market, fully aware of the challenges that our beloved photography world faces in the near future.

The aim of the relaunch is to make Heillandi an innovative Art Company, offering professional services, mainly through digital and/or unconventional ways, such as: a careful selection of artists and works available online and during exclusive events –  webinars dedicated to training – advisory on art collections, through digital tools for management, cataloguing and publishing.

Heillandi is also proud to announce the promotion of Chiara Finadri as a member of the newborn Curatorial Committee, to which the artistic direction of the “Gallery” division is delegated. Chiara, former Gallery Manager, is now qualified to play an institutional and strategic role. She is available to receive applications and proposals, at the following address: Consequently, all requests concerning the gallery’s day-by-day administration and operations should be addressed to: Any request will be promptly processed by an active collaboration team.

As a direct consequence of the restrictions due to the COVID pandemic,  the Gallery’s space will be closed to visitors until further notice. Stay tuned for news and updates.

Heillandi Gallery
via Canova 7
6900 Lugano CH